The 52nd PNWD Annual Meeting will be held Saturday, March 15, 2014, in conjunction with the March 14-16 Pacific Northwest District Assembly in Spokane, Washington.

PNWD bylaws require each member congregation to certify to PNWD the names of its delegates. If your congregation wishes to have delegate representation at the District Annual Meeting, a minister or board officer must submit the online Delegate Certification by MARCH 4. Earlier this week congregation ministerscheckmark and presidents were sent the link to the Delegate Certification Form. If you are the president or minister from your congregation and would like the online certification link resent, contact the district office.

Congregations may participate in the Annual Meeting with on-site delegates, off-site delegates, or a combination of the two. Both on-site and off-site delegates must be certified by MARCH 4. Off-site delegates do not have to be registered for the District Assembly; on-site delegates who attend only the business meeting do not have to register for District Assembly. Anyone is welcome to attend the Annual Meeting, but only certified delegates may vote.

Details about remote participation for off-site delegates will be available soon.

We hope to see your congregation represented in Spokane!

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