Washington State legislators are considering a bill to legalize gay marriage, and UU Ministers are among those providing supportive testimony in Olympia. The Rev. Marian Stewart (Northlake UU Church, Kirkland) testified during January 23rd’s House hearing for gay marriage. Here’s the link to the hearing; Rev. Stewart’s testimony begins at 1:50:25:


On the same day, the Rev. Lois Van Leer (Woodinville UU Church) testified at the Senate hearing in the morning. Here is a link to the Senate hearing; Rev. Van Leer’s testimony begins at 79:55:  http://www.tvw.org/capitolrecord/index.php/2012/01/round-up-of-gay-marriage-hearings-events/


Rev. Marian Stewart (left) and Rev. Lois Van Leer (right)

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