Dear Chalice Lighter,

Liberal religion is an important bulwark in turbulent times, and Chalice Lighters strengthen our congregations to meet these challenges. Thank you for helping Pacific Northwest UU Congregations thrive and grow through this program of pay-it-forward generosity.

Our Spring 2016-17 Call: A remodeled kitchen for the historic UU church in Oregon City.

Members of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Willamette Falls, OR (UUCWF), formerly Atkinson Memorial Church, have a new name, a new settled minister, and a growing number of new members. They also have a serious need to revitalize their church kitchen, which is awkward to use, unsafe, and does not meet current code. Doing so will allow hosting church and community events, including weddings, memorials, recitals, and fundraisers. This increased presence and outreach in the community will help them grow as well as produce rental income.

$17,000 is sought for a Chalice Lighter grant to augment funds already donated towards a complete makeover of the archaic kitchen. Your donation will help UUCWF attract future UUs looking for a community where all spiritual beliefs are accepted with love and without judgment.

What was funded with the most recent call?  In March 2017 your generosity helped Magic Valley UU Fellowship in Twin Falls, ID with funds toward putting a new roof on their first church home.

Please respond now with your contribution to help our neighbor congregation in Oregon City. We are grateful for whatever you can contribute. Payments will be accepted towards this call through May 8. Ten percent of each call reimburses expenses to administer the program. If you prefer to make your payment online, please see the NEW donation page link. Or mail your check, payable to PNWD Chalice Lighters to: PNWD Chalice Lighters, 7511 Greenwood Avenue North, #414, Seattle, WA 98103-4627. Include the PNWD CL designation on both your check and payment envelope. Questions may be directed to or 206-384-9718. Thank you for your generosity!

Sincerely yours,

David P. Cauffman
PNWD Chalice Lighters program coordinator

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