OWL-Adult-YAThe Pacific Northwest District has opened registration for an OWL Facilitator training for Adult and Young Adult OWL programs in Corvallis, OR on September 17-19, 2015. Facilitators for this training are Milly Mullarky and John Sulzmann.

Sign up now to provide training to your volunteer teachers so you are ready to offer this in the fall or winter at your congregation. This is also a very useful curriculum for college age students. Follow this link to register.

Here is some specific information about the Young Adult and Adult OWL curriculum.

Our Whole Lives: Sexuality Education for Young Adults, Ages 18-35

This program is specifically designed for young adults within the age range of 18-35. It reviews basic sexuality information, boosts self-knowledge, enhances sexual safety, and strengthens social skills. It is interactive, inclusive, and welcoming.

OWL models and teaches caring, compassion, respect, and justice. It helps young adults address their attitudes, values, and feelings about themselves, their sexuality, and others’ sexuality. OWL addresses topics typically excluded from sexuality education and health classes, including sexual expression, identity, orientation and life issues for young adults. Each of the fourteen workshops is two hours long and designed to be modular – that is, each can stand on its own for maximum program flexibility. OWL is a secular curriculum, appropriate for a variety of settings.

Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education for Adults

This program helps you explore sexuality through your values and experiences. Enhance communication skills as you increase your understanding of healthy relationships, sexual diversity, and sexuality throughout the life cycle. It’s the sexuality education opportunity you probably never had growing up.

Our Whole Lives (OWL) values:

  • Self-Worth
  • Sexual Health
  • Responsibility
  • Justice and Inclusivity

OWL models and teaches caring, compassion, respect, and justice. It helps adults address their attitudes, values, and feelings about themselves, their sexuality, and others’ sexuality. Participants are guided by trained facilitators through an engaging program that addresses topics many adults have not had the opportunity to discuss in depth. The fourteen two hour workshops are modular and may be used in any combination or singly.

Dana Regan, CRE

PNWD Lead RE Consultant

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