Congregational Safety is everyone’s business and for those of you who are DREs, RE teachers and advisors, board members, and congregation members, this webinar will help answer questions such as …What makes a healthy boundary? What are ‘grooming’ behaviors? And most important, how can we establish and maintain healthy boundaries in our congregations? Practical resources will be offered on how to have  a difficult conversation, the importance of congregational behavior covenants and ways to respond in the event a person with a history of sexual offenses wants to come to your congregation. Special mention will be made of children or youth who offend.

Facilitator Barbara Cornell has been a Safe Congregations Consultant for the PNWD since 2007. She earned her Master of Divinity from Seattle University’s School of Theology and Mininstry in 2008 and is a candidate for ministry. In her webinars Barbara aims to share practical support from her UU theological perspective.

The Congregational Safety: Healthy Boundaries and Appropriate Behavior webinar is on March 26 at 7 pm PST. Online registration is $15 per connection. You may view this alone or with a team. Also take a look at our other Spring Webinar Offerings. For questions, email the PNWD Training Coordinator Lori Ragona at

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