The Unitarian Universalist Identity Renaissance Module for Religious Educators and others who work within the religious education field is being offered February 28-March 2 at Eastrose Fellowship UU in Portland, OR. This LREDA-sponsored workshop will be led by Niya Standish, DRE from the UU Fellowship of Corvallis, OR and co-led by Rebecca Gammons, DRE at West Hills UU Fellowship in Portland, OR. Thursday, February 14 is the deadline to sign up for this workshop.

The GOALS for the Unitarian Universalist Identity Module are:
• To create an understanding of identity as a process
• To become aware of how the process unfolds
• To identify ways to foster the process, specifically among religious education participants and generally among the congregation

• To help participants identify their own growth as Unitarian Universalists
• To create an interactive environment for discussion and for the sharing of ideas

For registration information contact Cathy Cartwright, 503-228-6389, ext. 14.

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