DebHolderReverend Deborah Holder, Minister of Beloved Community Formation, will lead congregations through the paradigm shift, theology and the process of building beloved community in her training:

Social Change as Religious Vocation: The Fruits of the Radical Spirit
Saturday, October 26, 2013
9 AM – 4 PM

As religious/spiritual people, we are called to engage in social transformation in ways that restore community and build right relationships among us all. Deeply rooted in our Unitarian Universalist faith tradition, the religious vision of Beloved Community is bold, transformational, and desperately needed in our dangerously polarized country. Small group justice ministries build internally strong and externally focused congregations by sharpening our attention, directing our actions, and sustaining hope.”

Rev. Deborah Holder is a community minister specializing in religion and social change and currently serves the Pacific Western Region of the UUA. As the Mountain Desert District Justice Ministries program enters its twelfth year, she joins us to share some of the faith-based resources for congregational social change ministries developed along the way. Prior to entering ministry, she was an economic justice organizer and social justice funder with the UU Veatch Program at Shelter Rock.

Fair Share Congregation Program Fee $250
Non-Fair Share Congregation Program Fee $285

 Fee includes lunch for your congregational team of five or fewer.
Add $10 for each additional team member.

 Flyer and Register information here. Please print, post and share this information with your congregation via newsletters and emails.