LREDAThe Renaissance Program is a major component of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Religious Education (RE) Credentialing program. Each 15-hour module provides standardized basic training in a specific area useful to religious educators. Modules are open to all those interested in religious education leadership including divinity students, parish ministers, RE committee members and RE teachers.

Three such modules are being offered by the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Liberal Religious Educators Association (LREDA).

Worship Renaissance Module (Newly Revised and Updated)

This recently revised UUA training has a focus on multigenerational worship, staff team collaboration, and storytelling.

It would be valuable for anyone involved leading, planning or assisting with worship design and implementation. (Religious educators, ministers, ministry students, lay leaders, worship committee members, music staff, etc.)

Worship is the central activity of congregational life.  Through worship we gather together to respond not only to the needs of the individual but also to the community.  It is a sacred time and when done well sends us forth to be and act on our best selves.  Worship opportunities abound—adult worship, religious education classes, children’s chapel, youth circles, rites of passage, and multigenerational services, to name a few.

The overall goals of this module are:

  • To explore worship formation
  • To appreciate the range of worship experiences
  • To gain resources and skills for the craft of worship
  • To understand and practice the power of stories in worship
  • To evaluate the aspects and impact of a worship service

Leaders: Lynne Bacon and Niya Standish

As Religious Educators Lynne and Niya have been actively serving congregations in the PNWD. Together they have over 40 year’s experience working in a variety of congregational structures (smallest in the district to the largest) They bring a wealth of experience crafting and leading worship for all ages and collaborating in partnership with ministers, music directors and lay worship leaders. Both have extensive leadership experience facilitating workshops, trainings and programs for the UUA and LREDA. They have both studied “Story Telling” with noted Portland storyteller Will Hornyak.

Trainee Leaders are: Sara Lewis & Betsy Lowry.

The Reader for this module is Kristin Maier’s A Good Telling: Bringing Worship to Life with Story (available from the UUA Bookstore)

Dates: April 23 – 25, 2015

Location: Unitarian Universalist Church of Vancouver, Wash.

Register here:

Deadline is April 9, 2015. Maximum participants, 20.

Cost: $165.00

Home Hospitality is available with advance registration.


Curriculum Planning – Hybrid (3 sessions online, 1 in-person)

This will be the first time the hybrid model has been used. With three online sessions of about 2 hours each, and with reading and writing done on one’s own time, it is hoped this will be a good fit for today’s busy schedules.

This module helps to clarify and expand understanding of curriculum, religious education and faith development. Tapestry of Faith and other resources will be explored and utilized. There will be models for different program contexts including size of program and how to use these resources with various program designs.

It will be very helpful for anyone who wants to clarify or evaluate curriculum plans and choices. And it will show how to use curriculum to foster inclusive, multicultural and multigenerational communities.

Leaders: Pat Kahn & Dana Regan

Pat is the current Director of Children and Family Ministries in the Ministries and Faith Development Office at the Unitarian Universalist Association. Dana is the current Religious Education Lead for the Pacific Northwest District. Together they bring a wide variety of knowledge in religious education with over 45 years of experience. They are both practiced in leading workshops and modules and have been trained in many different types of program facilitation.

Reader: Maria Harris, Fashion Me a People provides important theoretical grounding for the work of the module (available from the UUA Bookstore)

Dates and Location — 3 sessions online [May 3, May 17, June 7 from 4-6pm Pacific] and one in-person session [June 29 from 10-4pm in Gresham, OR at Eastrose

Register here:

Deadline is April 12, 2015. Maximum participants, 12.

Cost: $125.00

No home hospitality for the one day in-person session.


Multicultural Religious Education

The goal of the Multicultural Religious Education Module is to help prepare participants for meaningful participation in a diverse world. It helps or shape ways of thinking, conceptualizing, and recognizing other perspectives. Discussion and experiential activities help participants to expand their understanding of diversity and deepen their commitment to transforming our Association into an anti-racist, anti-oppressive religious community.

Reader: Louise Derman-Sparks, What If All the Kids are White? If possible, participants should read the entire book before coming to the module.

Leaders: Aisha Hauser and Rev. Samaya Oakley

Dates: August 21-23rd, 2015.

Aisha Hauser, MSW, Director of Religious Education

Cost: $175 if an East Shore Unitarian Church member; $225.00, meals included.

Deadline: July 31, 2015

Hospitality: Free lodging is available in the education building where the module will be hosted. Two showers are available and youth often have sleepovers in the building. There is one youth group room with some couches and if you bring an air mattress, you can stay in the big room with the carpet. There are many free options for those who don’t want to go back and forth. Contact Aisha Hauser ( to ensure your space.